Friday, May 6, 2016

10 Things Nurse's Children Can Relate To

Growing up with a mother that was a nurse was challenging but oh so rewarding! Thank goodness for my own personal nurse to take care of me!

1. Random nursing supplies around the house? That's no problem, just a normal coincidence. 

 Needles, syringe, ace bandages, stitches kits, stapler removal "object", no problem! It is just another day when we find these objects around the house.

2. Your second language is medical.

An appendectomy? No problem! Nurse's children know all sorts of medical language. Thanks to a little help from Grey's Anatomy also. ;)

3. Things that are considered gross to others, are not gross to us. 

We have been raised all of our lives learning and hearing about the gross stuff. It does not bother us.

4. When your parent comes home from work, you hear about all of the crazy stories. 

Some of them are gross, just like the above number, some are just about crazy people. They are always very comical though!

5. Your friend consider you the "nurse" or "mom" of the group. 

Since you have always been raised by someone always nursing you, that's how you treat your friends. This is totally a good thing though! No matter if you think it is or not, it is! You are always taking care of your friends. Everyone needs someone to be there for them!

6. Your friends always call your parent for advice about medical things.

And you aren't even mad at it! By now, you have learned how to share your parent with people that need them for medical advice.

7. There are absolutely no doctor visits unless we are dying. 

Even when you break your arm, become severely dehydrated or you have been sick for months, your parent still won't take you to the doctor! Our nurses think they know everything... From my past experiences, they really do!

8. Playing hooky is nearly impossible with a nurse parent. 

If you try to play hooky they will observe you, take your temperature and ask you a million questions before not falling for the trick.

9. Going to the hospital is just like going to another home. 

If you are like me, you love visiting your nurse at work. People get so worried when you tell them you have to go to hospital; but to us, it is so common and weirdly calming.

10. You have learned how to help and serve other people. 

What an amazing lesson to learn! With our parent being a nurse, we have learned how to take care of others. We will use this lesson for the rest of our lives.

To my nurse: Thank you for always nursing me and taking care of me! I would be so lost without you mama!

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