Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Why I am always there for others

THIS. A life motto of mine is to always be there for others. Whether this is being a friend, talking to someone that is sitting alone or standing up for someone that is being picked on. Seriously, this is my DAILY goal and life motto. A lot of people wonder why. Why am I so passionate about being there for others? The answer is because I remember when I was standing alone or felt like I did not fit in and when people reached out to me. They made a conservation with me and made me feel not so lonely (Thank you to those people, y'all are amazing!). They went out of their way to help others. Wouldn't the world be such a better place if we all had this mentality?! I think so!!

Not only do I try to make an impact and be there for others outside of school but also inside of school. At school there are so many people that need someone to be there for them. Someone tweeted the other day, "You never know what someone is going through. Be kind to everyone." Preach sister, preach! Seriously, it makes me so mad when someone is picking on someone else at school. You never know what someone else is going through nor how your words affect them. So, choose uplifting words instead of making fun of someone.
Reach out to someone who needs you. I don't mean to always go to the person that is obviously lonely. Smile at someone when you pass them, compliment someone, do a favor for a friend, reach out to an old friend, pay for the person behind you's food or just simply talk to someone, it is the little things. You never know how much impact you will have on someone's life. Make sure it is a good one. Not only are you going to make someones day/week, you will always impact your own life without even noticing. Personally, when I do something for someone else, I am the one that was blessed. I challenge you to do something good this week to make a positive impact on someone's life. You never know what it could lead to!

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